
As a Specialist GP I offer the whole suite of General Practice Care, including mental health, physical health checks and blood tests.

However as a Lifestyle Physician and Functional Doctor I also offer more detailed testing and longer appointments to help you prevent and treat chronic diseases.

I am also a Public Speaker, Podcast Host, YouTuber and Author.

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I prefer to treat the root cause

rather than relying on medications

Optimising physical and mental health through species-appropriate diet, nutrition and lifestyle.

Hi there 👋


My name is Dr Suresh Khirwadkar, but most of my patients call me Dr Suresh as it's easier for them. I'm a GP and Board Certified Lifestyle Physician and I'm passionate in helping my patients achieve optimal health through diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes.

I've been a doctor for over 10 years, but I've been in the medical profession for over 20 years now. I work extensively with low carb, keto and sometimes zero carb (carnivore) nutrition in my practice, and I use these modalities to help people with a vast array of issues.

My focus is on holistic care, preferring to avoid medication prescriptions where possible and instead utilising lifestyle interventions like diet, exercise, nutrition and sleep.

I'm passionate about deprescribing and my goal is to help people to help themselves. I'm a huge believer in educating my patients and empowering them to prevent and treat chronic diseases themselves. My goal is to get to the point where my patients never actually need me.

Then my job is done.

Born and raised in the UK, I completed my training there at The University of Leicester, and I've been practicing as a doctor for over 12 years.

My qualifications include: FRACGP, MRCGP, BSc (HONS), MBChB, Board Cert Life Med (IBLM).

I am very passionate about providing education for my patients, to the extent that I have written and published 3 books to date, produced a host of free guides for my patients, host the popular Meat Medic Podcast which at present gets around 10000 downloads and 75000 views a month, and I'm very excited to also offer my paid online courses and guides so that you can learn how to improve your own health without breaking the bank.

In my day job I perform all aspects of General Practice, but my special interest areas including Lifestyle Medicine, Functional Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Skin Cancer, Psychology and Mental Health and Weight Loss.

I'm passionate and committed to delivering world class, excellent primary care to my patients and I'm always looking for more ways to help my patients to improve their health and prevent and treat their medical conditions, without drugs where possible.

You may be wondering what makes me different to other doctors? Unfortunately many of the patients I see feel fobbed off by their usual doctor, or they simply don't spend long enough with them to really explore their issues and help them to tackle their problems without just resorting to medications. It is often said that doctors are too quick to reach for medications - well this is often true. I try to help my patients through longer appointments (up to an hour if needed), holistic care, and proper lifestyle interventions and mental health support, not just reaching for the prescription pad.

My real passion though is getting my patients to the point where they just don't need me any more. I believe that healthcare should be just that - healthcare, not sickcare. Then my job is done.


Outside of my work life I am a loving husband to my wife Imogen and doting father to my 4 beautiful children and in my spare time I like to learn new things, read books and just grow as a person.

I think the quote that best sums me up is this from Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft:

"Don't be a know-it-all. Be a learn-it-all"

I like to live my life like this, constantly trying to learn, striving to understand and grow as a human being, becoming a better person in the process.

My hobbies include reading, web coding (I code all my own websites), listening to music (I'm currently really into Jazz) and playing music (Saxophone and Piano), and learning the guitar is on my to-do-list.

I like to maintain a good work-life balance, as ultimately I feel that makes me a better doctor, a better husband, and a better father.

Speaking and Events

As well as hosting my own podcast I am a seasoned public speaker and I am regularly invited to be a guest speaker at public events and other podcasts.

I relish the opportunity to spread the message that good health is achievable for all, and the key to success is our diet and lifestyle.

I can speak about anything related to medicine, but particularly low carb, ketogenic and carnivore diets, as well as my own creation the Primal Fusion Diet. I can also speak on other lifestyle issues such as chronic stress, chronic inflammation and sleep problems.

If you wish to be a guest on The Meat Medic Podcast, please click below and send me your story.

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