
Originally published: 31 December 2023

Discover the transformative health benefits of fasting, from intermittent to prolonged practices. Dr. Suresh demystifies fasting, guiding you through safe and effective methods to enhance your physical and mental well-being.



Fasting, an ancient practice rediscovered, offers profound benefits for body and mind. With modern science backing its health advantages, fasting — particularly intermittent and prolonged methods — has gained popularity as a powerful tool for enhancing wellness. Dr. Suresh, a proponent of evidence-based health strategies, provides a comprehensive guide to embarking on a fasting journey that’s not only effective but also safe and sustainable.

The Essence of Fasting

Fasting isn’t merely about abstaining from food; it’s a deliberate practice that, when done correctly, can reset and rejuvenate your body at a cellular level. Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting, while prolonged fasting extends this period, offering deeper physiological benefits.

Benefits of Fasting

Whether you choose intermittent or prolonged fasting, the benefits are manifold:

Getting Started with Fasting

  1. Choose Your Fasting Method: Intermittent fasting (such as 16/8 or 5:2 methods) is a great starting point for beginners, while prolonged fasting (lasting over 24 hours) can be gradually introduced with experience.
  2. Listen to Your Body: Understanding your body’s signals is crucial. Start slow and adjust based on how you feel.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Water, along with unsweetened tea and coffee, can be consumed during fasting periods to help curb hunger and maintain hydration.
  4. Break Your Fast Gently: Opt for light, nutrient-dense foods to break your fast, easing your digestive system back into action.

Navigating Challenges

Fasting, especially in the beginning, can present challenges such as hunger pangs, fatigue, and irritability. Dr. Suresh emphasizes:

Safety Considerations

While fasting offers numerous benefits, it’s not suitable for everyone. Pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with a history of eating disorders, and those with certain health conditions should consult with a healthcare provider like Dr. Suresh before beginning a fasting regimen.


Fasting, with its deep roots in human history and its promising health benefits, offers a unique approach to wellness. Under the guidance of Dr. Suresh, you can explore intermittent and prolonged fasting safely, unlocking potential health benefits while nurturing your body and mind. Remember, fasting is a journey — one that should be approached with care, patience, and a focus on overall well-being.

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