I'm Sorry I've Been Absent

Originally published: 18 August 2024

A Quick Update: Where I've Been and What's New

sorry I've been absent

First off, I want to apologise for my recent absence from social media and my YouTube channel/podcast. Life has been a bit hectic lately, with some personal matters taking priority, including the major task of moving house. It turned out to be a lot more work than I initially anticipated, but I’m glad to say that I’m now settled and ready to get back into the swing of things.

I’m Back – and with Exciting News!

While I’ve been busy with life, I’ve also been working on something special behind the scenes. I’m thrilled to announce some big changes over at The Meat Medic!

What’s New?

Why You Should Check It Out

I’m really excited about these changes and can’t wait for you to experience everything The Meat Medic has to offer. Your support means the world to me, and I’m looking forward to reconnecting with you all through these new platforms.

Let’s Get Started

If you haven’t already, head over to The Meat Medic to explore the new features and see how they can help you on your health journey. I’m looking forward to continuing our conversation and sharing even more valuable content with you.

Thanks for sticking with me, and I’m excited to be back!

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The Carnivore Diet