Dietary Advice

It is well known that diet and nutrition underpin over 90% of all chronic diseases. I suspect the actual number is far higher than that, and I would go as far as to say it is more like 99.9% of all health issues, acute and chronic.

My main specialist interest area is in diet and nutrition and I use Low Carb, Ketogenic, Zero Carb (Carnivore Diet) and my own creation - The Primal Fusion Diet - to help my patients achieve optimum health, weight loss, and prevent and treat their chronic health problems.

It is not a one-size-fits-all approach and I am happy to work with you whatever your dietary preferences are.

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I prefer to treat the root cause

rather than relying on medications

Optimising physical and mental health through species-appropriate diet, nutrition and lifestyle.

This is my moto and I genuinely beleive it. I have seen first hand the damage that poor diet and nutrition can cause, in myself and in my patients. Just like everybody else I have had, in the past, health problems related to my poor diet. A long time ago I realised I needed to make changes and that diet underpinned what I needed to do, and of course just like everybody else, it worked for a while.

I am very open and I have spoken publicly on my own struggles: just like almost everybody I've been on my own personal rollercoaster of diet and weight loss over the years, but that has given me valuable personal insight in to the struggles that people have with their diet, nutrition and weight, so I know where people are coming from when it feels like they can't change.

But if I can fix it, so can you.

Finding the right approach

The key is finding the correct approach, for you, and I can help you with that.

I use a lot of low carbohydrate , ketogenic and zero carb (carnivore) principles in my work and I'm happy to work with people following those particular diets, or whatever diet you want to follow.

I also work a lot with my patients on antinutrients, particularly oxalates as these can be a major cause of inflammation and chronic stress to the body, as well as myriad other health problems. Removing these from the diet is often extremely important.

What can diet achieve?

Everything comes down to our diet, so realistically fixing your diet by moving towards and ideally fully adopting a species-appropriate, natural human diet, can dramatically improve your health issues including:

The list of how diet can affect us is endless.

AHPRA rules disallow me from posting direct patient testimonials, but these are some of the ways that diet can help:

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Weight Loss

Proper dietary advice can produce simple, sustained weight loss and body composition improvements

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Mental Health

Removing antinutrients and reducing sugar intake can dramatically improve anxiety and depression

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Stopping Medications

The key to stopping medications is to fix the underlying health problems, proper diet can achieve this

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Gut Health

What is going to be more powerful at helping or harming the gut if not the food we put in it?

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Reproductive Health

Hormones and reproductive issues are strongly associated with dietary and nutritional problems

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Skin Problems

Eczema, psoriasis, acne and other skin problems can disappear compeltely when you change your diet

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Chronic Pain

Conditions like Fibromyalgia and pinched nerves can improve dramatically with the correct dietary modifications

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How many of us feel sluggish and tired all the time, but we don't have to. Diet can fix this for us all

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Wouldn't it be nice to stop using the steroid inhalers every day? Moving to an anti-inflammatory diet can help

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Did you know adequate protein intake and removal of antinutrients can reduce the risk of sustaining injuries?

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Anti-nutrients are a leading cause of osteoporosis, yet they are almost never spoken about with patients

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Removing oxalates from the diet often leads to improvements in chronic migraines, sometimes complete resolution

Check out my Primal Fusion Diet

unlocking the power of our ancestors

The Primal Fusion Diet

Embark on a Revolutionary Path with the Primal Fusion Diet: Inspired by our Ancestral Heritage, this extraordinary approach goes beyond Low Carb, Keto Carnivore and Paleo principles, introducing unique guidelines to align with our true evolutionary diet.

The Primal Fusion Diet embraces the essence of our true animal-based diet by utilising a modified keto/carnivore diet, while emphasising the importance of carefully selected, low-toxicity fruits and minimally toxic vegetables. It deviates from traditional Paleo by placing limits on non-animal meats, excluding seeds, minimising nut intake, and encouraging the occasional use of herbs and spices that our ancestors had access to.

By adhering to the Primal Fusion Diet, we reestablish a profound connection with the nourishment that our bodies evolved with and now crave. Embracing seasonal foods and avoiding processed options, we indulge in the simplicity of whole, unadulterated ingredients. Being a ketogenic diet at its core, high-fat meats take centre-stage, providing us with essential nutrients, fuelling our bodies and brains, and nourishing the very core of our being. At its core, the Primal Fusion Diet seeks to emulate the way in which our ancestors lived, including how they ate, and this is why it introduces seasonal fruits and vegetables back in to the diet (deviation from the Carnivore Principles), but focusses on low toxicity foods to avoid problems wtih antinutrients such as Oxalates. It also introduces the concepts of fasting and feasting, and alternating between ketogenic diets and low carb diets, allowing for more social inclusion and more freedom with food.

As we explore the Primal Fusion Diet, we appreciate the wisdom of our ancestors and we act in a way that aligns with our evolution, as well as returning to our primal way of eating: fasting and feasting, high fat animal meats, sharing and socialising, traditional ways of cooking, and emulating the wider aspects of a primal existence, returning us to a much more natural state.

This transformative journey allows us to rediscover the true potential of our well-being. By nourishing ourselves with the unprocessed bounty of nature, we create a harmonious balance and a profound sense of vitality. Join the revolution of the Primal Fusion Diet, as we tap into our evolutionary heritage, prioritise our health, and embrace a nourishing lifestyle that resonates with the essence of who we are. Let us unlock the power of our natural, ancestral existence and pave the way for optimal well-being.

Get the free guide here
