Services Available

As a Specialist GP I offer the whole suite of General Practice Care, including mental health, physical health checks and blood tests.

However as a Lifestyle Physician and Functional Doctor I also offer more detailed testing and longer appointments to help you prevent and treat chronic diseases.

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I prefer to treat the root cause

rather than relying on medications


Full holistic care

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General Practice

All aspects of standard general practice and skin cancer

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Mental Health

Working with you to fix your mental health issues

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Lifestyle Medicine

Cut the reliance on drugs and treating without medications

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Functional Health

Helping with your gut health and chronic pain syndromes

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Integrative Medicine

Combining evidence-based and emerging therapies

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Weight Loss

Lose weight safely and properly, and keep it off

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Oxalate Care

Overloaded with oxalates? I can help you navigate this

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Private Coaching

Coaching and dietary advice (for international patients)

Are You Sick Of Being Sick?

Book For A Consultation

If you want to...

Regain your health

Feel fantastic

Lose weight

Fix gut problems

Reduce or stop medications

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Specialist General Practice

General Practice

All aspects of primary care


For those times we just need medications

Medical certificates

Sometimes we are sick and need the day off

Skin cancer

Skin checks and skin cancer treatments

Chronic disease and care plans

Treat chronic diseases and refer to allied health and other specialists

Mental health

Care plans and Focussed Psychological Strategies

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Detailed Blood Tests

Investigating the root causes of your problems, far beyond the scope of what regular doctors will request

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Gut Testing

If you have gut issues knowing your microbiome and if you have leaky gut syndrome or not is paramount

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Oxalate Toxicity

Weird symptoms that nobody else can explain? They may just be oxalate overload problems, book to discuss further

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Functional Health

Fixing the problems that really matter to you, whatever they are, not palming you off or just ignoring your issues

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Integrative Medicine

Combining evidence-based medicine and emerging therapies that have been shown to be safe and helpful

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Weight Loss

We all want to lose the belly, but it never seems to work. I can help you lose weight safely and properly, and keep it off

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Chronic Pain

Helping you to manage your chronic pain without just resorting to medications like regular doctors do

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Private Coaching

Lifestyle and diet coaching (not direct medical advice) is an option for those who just need a little help

Lifestyle Medicine

True holistic person-centered care without relying on drugs

And stopping medications where possible


Learning to heal the body with our diet, the importance of gut health, and how to correct health problems with the food that we eat


Recognising the importance of gut health and how nutrition plays a pivotal role in our current health problems


Sleep is paramount to your health and Dr Suresh can help you get to the bottom of those horrible sleep issues


Working with you to create appropriate exercise plans that are simple for you to follow and help to improve your health


Helping to support and treat addictions such as opioids, smoking and alcohol. Tailored problems to reduce these concerns

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Sick of being sick?

learn how to get off your medications and be healthy

Functional Medicine

The importance of gut health

and understanding how the body works

Gut Health

What we eat is the number 1 cause of gut problems, yet so many are palmed off by other doctors, dietitians and nutritionists

Nutritional Deficiencies

Fix your gut and diet issues whilst optimising peak human nutrition. Dr Suresh is a stickler for proper nutritional status

Mental Health

The gut-brain axis is so important yet so often ignored. Learn how changing your diet can improve your mind

Functional Movement

Functional movement is incredibly important, yet so nany of do not have a clue where to start. Dr Suresh can help you with this and create an exercise plan for you

Reproductive Issues

Unfortunately reproductive and hormone issues are so widespread, yet little is often done about them. Time for that to stop!

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Integrative Medicine

Employing evidence based techniques and emerging therapies

Treatment the way you want it


I believe we should get everything we need from food, but supplements can play a role. Dr Suresh can help navigate this complex world

Complimentary Therapies

Complimentary or alternative therapy doesn't mean it doesn't work, it usually just means it hasn't been studied much. Dr Suresh knows what works and what doesn't

Non-standard Care

If you want someone that will go the extra mile to diagnose and help fix your problems, Dr Suresh is the doctor for you

Emerging Treatments

We don't all have decades to wait until trials are done or guidelines are updated

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Fatigue And Tiredness?

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Get the right tests

Getting tested properly is essential, I can help you get the right tests to check on your health

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Iron levels

A major cause of tiredness is iron deficiency, but do you even know why you are deficient and how to fix it?

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Hormone checks

So many of us have issues with our hormones but most regular doctors don't even know the right tests to check

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Sleep training

Tired of relying on pills to fall asleep? I can help you train yourself to improve and get restful sleep again

Weight Loss

Simple weight loss

Easy and sustainable options

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Can't lose weight?

Dr Suresh can help you shift that stubborn belly or if you are stuck in a plateau with your weight

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Fasting To Burn Fat

How to safely use fasting to burn fat, intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting, Dr Suresh can help

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Sustainable Weight Loss

There's no point losing weight quickly but piling it back on, it needs to be sustainable and long term

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No Rabbit Food

Nobody wants to eat lettuce all the time to lose weight. Proper wholesome delicious food is how we lose weight

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A Guide or Personalised?

Simple, easy to follow weight loss guides, or create personalised meal plans if that is your preference

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Oxalate Toxicity (and other antinutrients)

Bizarre symptoms that nobody can explain?

It may just be oxalate toxicity

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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia usually responsd very favourably to reduction and ideally removal of oxalates from the diet

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Mental Health

It is amazing how many times my patients have told me that removing oxalates from their diet vastly improved their anxiety or depression

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Gut Problems

The majority of gut problems and leaky gut syndrome can go away by reducing oxalates in our diet, without resorting to taking medications

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Nutrition Problems

Are you tired of having no explanation why you have chronic iron deficiency? Or other nutritional problems? Oxalates may just be the problem

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Oxalate Dumping

Do you need help with oxalate dumping syndrome? Do you even know what it is? I may be able to help navigate this complex issue

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Other Services

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Iron Infusions

When you just can't manage to improve your iron levels

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Sometimes we need a skin biopsy to confirm a diagnosis

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Saline Infusions

For my POTS patients that benefit from weekly saline

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Skin Cancer

Excisions are available, including flaps and grafts

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Ingrowing Toe Nails

Once a toenail is ingrowing, it likely needs surgically treating

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POTS Testing

Affordable POTS testing with myself and the nurse

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Joint Injections

Simple steroid joint injections are available

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And psychotherapy is available (1 hour appointments)

Fee Schedule

Unfortunately we must talk about money sometimes.

Like many doctors I charge for my services, and I fully privately bill for my consultations, with appropriate rebates from Medicare. This is because I spend far longer with patients than your average doctor, I am more in depth, and I believe I provide a high value of care for my patients. Ultimately I want to get my patients to the point that they don't need to come in any more, so it is an investment in their health.

International medical consultations are unfortunately not available, but I can offer coaching and general advice (e.g. diet or oxalates).


Eligible conditions and gold card holders will be bulk-billed to DVA.

Other Services

For all other services please contact the medical center to enquire about fees


I consult and perform procedures at Hunter Street Medical, 68 Hunter Street, Brassall, Ipswich, QLD
Phone: (07) 3128 0770

Telehealth and Private Coaching

Telehealth is available for all Australian patients, but if you have not seen me or another doctor in the same clinic for 12 months, unfortunately there are no medicare rebates available for the consultation. Fees are otherwise as above.

Private coaching is available (see here for info)